The Supporting Potential of Researchers of the Teacher Quality Criteria Bachelor's Degree in Technology or Operation of Institute of Vocational Education Southern Region 3


  • Prasert Geawpet
  • Nathanan Chumkaew


Support, Researchers, Curriculum, Bachelor's Degree


The potential of the lecturers in the program is an indicator of the quality of education in higher education institutions. Academic development and dissemination as required by the curriculum. Giving teachers the opportunity to develop themselves to have knowledge and understanding the body of knowledge in the field of study which is directly affect the quality of education management. Students acquire up-to-date knowledge. It is diverse, broad and profound which has resulted in the institution's reputation and is accepted in academic circles. The development of researchers potential of the Institute of Vocational Education Southern Region 3 consists of 5 steps. Step 1: Article writing skills, being trained by mentoring system, step 2 : To promote the dissemination of academic results, step 3 : To build the morale and encouragement for researchers. Step 4 : To establish an innovation development fund. And the Step 5 : Preparation of academic journals which belongs to vocational education institutions in the southern region 3, under the support system as follows regulations of the vocational education institute of
southern region 3 on the innovation development fund and the announcement of 3 southern vocational institutions on criteria and methods for compensation and academic dissemination.


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How to Cite

Geawpet P, Chumkaew N. The Supporting Potential of Researchers of the Teacher Quality Criteria Bachelor’s Degree in Technology or Operation of Institute of Vocational Education Southern Region 3. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(1):9-18. available from:



Academic Article