Construct and Performance Evaluate of Scomber Capsule, A Saltwater Fishing Device Using Solar Heat Energy.


  • Pajohn Singchinda


Salted fish, Solar Cells Energy, Efficiency


This research aims were to 1) construct scomber capsule, a salted fish device
using solar cells energy, 2) find a quality of scomber capsule, a salted fish device using solar cells energy, 3) find the efficiency of scomber capsule, a salted fish device using solar cells energy, 4) study the user satisfaction scomber capsule, a salted fish device using solar cells energy. The sample to find the quality were 5 experts in the production of salted fish, Nong Chik District, Pattani Province. The sample of efficiency finding, were 5 producers of OTOP products, Nong Chik District, Pattani Province. And the satisfaction aspect were 5 producers and distributors of salted fish in Nong Chik District, Pattani Province, using the purposive sampling method. Research instruments were quality assessment form, experimental data record form and satisfaction questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using, mean and standard deviation.
The results showed that scomber capsule, a salted fish device using solar cells Energy. The quality of the device is at a high level. The efficient showed that the average internal temperature was 19.22 percent higher than the outside temperature of the device. Flies, dust, smoke and rainwater could not enter inside the device and the user satisfaction was at the highest level (4.74).


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How to Cite

Singchinda P. Construct and Performance Evaluate of Scomber Capsule, A Saltwater Fishing Device Using Solar Heat Energy. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(1):19-28. available from:



Research Article