Study the Influence Cycle Speed and the Feed Rate in Friction Stir Welding Aluminum 6063 Different Thickness with Slender Stirrer


  • Chanandon Meemuk
  • Worapong Sawangsri
  • Somkiat Nuchapong
  • Adisorn Pliandist


Friction stir welding, Tailored Blank, Butt joints


This research objectives were study the influence of cycle speed (Revolutions per
minute) and the feeding rate of the agitator. With friction stir welding, butt joints, tailed blanks of, 6063 aluminum which affects the welding strength properties with a tapered agitator. There are variables in welding: Stirring speed 300,400, and 500 RPM. Welding speed of 60,80,100 and 125 minutes respectively.
The Tensile strength test results for tapered welding tool, speed 500 is at rpm, The stir welding speed 100 mm / min. Provides a maximum tensile strength of 192 MPa.The results of comparing the fracture characteristics of the welds consist of two deficiency characteristics. The workpiece with the highest tensile strength goes for a 3 mm thickness of the workpiece. For the welding hardness test results. Workpiece with maximum tensile strength at the weld area and the shoulder of workpiece has a hardness value is at 3 mm thicker than the broken area of the workpiece. The results of the analysis of the macro-microstructures of welds with
the highest tensile strength. The tearing of 3 mm. thickness of workpiece and grain size is at 125.31 µm. Welding structure That has the characteristics of a circular structure And smaller and more detailed. Resulting in an increasing of the strength of the joint. Comparing with the main metal with a larger grain which the welds more stronger than the main metal, it is the cause of the breakdown of the test workpiece at the 3 mm. of main metal side.


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How to Cite

Meemuk C, Sawangsri W, Nuchapong S, Pliandist A. Study the Influence Cycle Speed and the Feed Rate in Friction Stir Welding Aluminum 6063 Different Thickness with Slender Stirrer. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(1):29-42. available from:



Research Article