The Evaluation of Train the Trainer Project for Training Online Learning and Classroom Management for Vocational Teachers in the Southern Region
Train the trainer project, Online learning, Classroom management, Vocational education teachersAbstract
The objective of this evaluation research was to assess the performance of train the
trainer project within the organization. And to train online learning and classroom
management for vocational teachers in the Southern Region. The target group was a vocational teachers in the Southern Region totaling 9 people and 314 vocational education teachers trained by organizers.This instruments were knowledge test, practice skill test, attitude measurement form, lecturer ability test and the satisfaction test of the trainees. The statistics in data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation;
The results of the research showed that the trainers within the organization who attended the project has received the development at 91.84% for knowledge, 90.74% for practical skills and 94.94% for attitudes. Also they have the ability to perform as lecturers to organize training, learning management and classroom management online is at a very good level. The effectiveness of vocational education teachers in the Southern Region who were trained by internal lecturers were at 79.84% for knowledge, 78.14% for practical skills and 77.89% for attitudes and their satisfaction was at the highest level.
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