The Study of Marketing Factors in Buying Decision through the Shopee Website of Customers in Samphanthawong District, Bangkok
Marketing Factors, Buying Decision, OnlineAbstract
The objectives of the study were: 1) to study of marketing factors in making decision to purchase products through the Shopees website of customers in Samphanthawong district, Bangkok, 2) to compare marketing factors in making decision to purchase products through the Shopees website of customers in Samphanthawong district, Bangkok, classified by personal fundamentals. The sample used in this study were 400 customers. The tools used in the project were questionnaire to collect data. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Test hypotheses by t-test statistics to compare data differences. The One-Way ANOVA was tested in pairs by the Scheffe method at the statistical significance level of 0.05.
The results of the research found that marketing factors in marketing factors in
making decision to purchase products through the Shopees website of customers in Samphanthawong district, Bangkok. Overall at the highest level. The mean values in descending order were as follows: Technological acceptance, personal service, products aspect, safety aspect, trust, marketing promotion, pricing aspect, distribution channel access. The results of the comparison of marketing factors through the Shopee website classified by personal fundamentals found that customers with different gender, occupation, average monthly income and opinions on marketing factors that the decision buying through the Shopees website in every aspect of the product wereno different. Customer ageseducation level, there were different opinions about the marketing factors that buying decision through the Shopee website in terms of the access to distribution channels. Customers with different status had statistically differing opinions on the marketing factors in their technology was statistically significant at 0.05 level.
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