Development of a KYT Hazard Prediction Training Package for Internship Students in the Workplace


  • Kanchai Kalasong
  • Teera Nuccarabundit
  • Bowonsak Kongsen


Training Package, KYT Hazard Prediction, learning achievement, effectiveness Index, opinions


The purposes of this research were to: 1) developme a KYT Hazard Prediction training package, 2) find the efficiency of the KYT Hazard Prediction training package, 3) compare the learning achievement of students before and after training with the KYT Hazard Prediction training package, 4) find the index of learning effectiveness through the KYT Hazard Prediction training package, and 5) investigate opinions of students towards the KYT Hazard Prediction training package. The sample groups in this research were 5 experts who are expertise in designing and constructing a KYT Hazard Prediction training package and 40 high certificate vocational students studying in the 2nd year, semester 1, academic Year 2020 from the Department of Manufacturing Techniques Hat Yai Technical College derived from purposive sampling technique. The research tools included efficiency assessment form, achievement test on the KYT system knowledge, and students' opinion assessment form with the confident value of 0.726. The statistics used in this research included mean, standard deviation, t-test, and effectiveness index. The results showed that 1) the experts validated the developed KYT Hazard Prediction training package at very high level, 2) the students' achievement after training with the KYT training package was statistically significance higher than those before training at the 0.05 level, 3) the learning effectiveness index of the KYT Hazard Prediction training package was 0.75, and 4) students' opinions towards the KYT Hazard Prediction training package was at the very high level.


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How to Cite

Kalasong K, Nuccarabundit T, Kongsen B. Development of a KYT Hazard Prediction Training Package for Internship Students in the Workplace. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(2):61-72. available from:



Research Article