Development of Learning Achievement in Science Courses Through Peer Assisted Learning Activities and Skill Practice Sets for Certificate Level Students at Phatthalung Technical Colleg
Peer assisted learning method, skill practice set, efficiency of skill practice setAbstract
The objectives of this study were to: 1) create a skill set and find its effectiveness for science course, 2) study academic achievement after using the peer assisted learning method with the skill practice set for science course, and 3) study students satisfaction towards peer assisted learning method with the skill practice set for science course. The samples in the study were 36 vocational certificate students in the second year of the business computer department, Phatthalung Technical College in the 1st semester of academic year 2020. The results of the research showed that: 1) the efficiency of the skill practice set for science course was 80.10 / 82.30 which was higher than the set criteria at 80/80. 2) The academic achievement score after learning by peer assisted learning method and skill practice set was significantly higher than before at 0.05 level. It was found that all 18 students with low scores were able to improve their academic grades and pass the course exam with good re- sults. 3) The results of the 36 students' satisfaction towards the peer assisted learning method with the skill practice set was at good level ( = 4.45).
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