The Development of Physical Fitness Performance Game Simulator Integrated with Motion Sensing Technology for High Blood Pressure Elderly Entitle: "The Adventure of Nhong-Jook"


  • Rittikorn Sangsrichan
  • Chananya Suwanwong
  • Sira Prasertsak


The Adventure of Nhong-Jook, Physical Performance, Motion Sensing Technology, High Blood Pressure, Elderly


The objectives of this research were to: 1) develop physical fitness performance game simulator integrated with motion sensing technology for high blood pressure elderly entitle: "The Adventure of Nhong-Jook", 2) compare the physical performance of the elderly with high blood pressure before the experiment and after using the game program, 3) compare the differences in the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) of the elderly before and after using the game program, and 4) find the satisfaction of the elderly towards the game program in improving the physical performance. The results revealed that 1) the experts evaluated the developed game program in improving the physical performance of elderly people with high blood pressure entitled: "The Adventure of Nhong-Jook at the overall quality of 4.51, SD of 0.31, or excellent level. 2) The comparison of the physical performance of the elderly people with high blood pressure showed that after using the game program, the physical performance was significantly better than that before at statistical difference 0.05 level. 3) There was a statistically significant difference of SBP and DBP of the elderly people before and after using the game program at 0.05 level. Finally. 4) the satisfaction of the elderly people in the experiment towards the game program was 4.63 overall, SD at 0.28 or very high level.


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How to Cite

Sangsrichan R, Suwanwong C, Prasertsak S. The Development of Physical Fitness Performance Game Simulator Integrated with Motion Sensing Technology for High Blood Pressure Elderly Entitle: "The Adventure of Nhong-Jook". KRIS Journal [internet]. 2021 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];1(2):85-96. available from:



Research Article