The Relationship between the Effectiveness of Internal Control and Performance of the Companies Listed in the Market for Alternative Investment (mai)
Internal control, effectiveness, company performanceAbstract
This research aimed to: 1) study the effectiveness of internal controls of the companies listed in the Market for Alternative Investment (mai), 2) study the performance of the companies listed in the Market for Alternative Investment (mai), and 3) study the relationship between the effectiveness of internal control and the performance of the companies listed in the Market for Alternative Investment (mai). The samples in the study included 122 companies listed in MAI to complete the questionnaires. The data were analyzed by multiple regression analysis with the statistical significant level at 0.05. The results of the study revealed that: 1) the opinion level on the effectiveness of the internal control and the performance of the listed companies in MAI was high. 2) The satisfaction level on the performance of the listed companies in MAI was high. 3) The analysis of the relationship between the effectiveness of internal control and the performance of the companies listed in MAI can be reported in each aspect as follows. The effectiveness of the intemal control on risk assessment had a positive relationship with the customer performance, internal processes, learning and development, and finance. The effectiveness of internal control on control activities had a positive relationship with the company performance, customers, internal processes, and finance. Finally, the effectiveness of the internal control on Information and communication showed a negative correlation with the company performance, customers, internal processes, learning and development, and finance with the statistically significant level of 0.05.
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