Study of Factors Triggering Stress and Activities for Stress Management of Depressed Working-age People in Chiangmai Municipality, Muang District, Chiangmai Province
Trigger, stress, depressionAbstract
This paper presents the factors triggering stress and activities for stress management of depressed working-age people in Chiangmai Municipality, Muang District, Chiangmai Province. The sample group consisted of 39 depressed patients derived by purposive sampling technique based on the doctors' opinions in Chiangmai Municipality, Muang District, Chiangmai Province. The research statistics included percentage, mean, and SD. The findings revealed that the factors triggering stress and depression of the patients included the amount of responsible work, salary, employers, supervisors, family, colleagues, traveling distance, and supervisees respectively. The amount of workload and work difficulties resulted in the main cause of stress and depression for both depressed patients and ordinary individuals. The activities for stress management included watching films and series followed by traveling, cooking, social media surfing, and shopping rated in the same level. Other activities that can reliefs stress were socializing and sport playing. The activities with the least score were house cleaning and gardening.
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