The Construction of 20-liter Plastic Water Bottle Cleaner


  • Matee Sriyot
  • Sarawut Khongsuk


water bottle cleaner, drinking water bottle, polyethylene (PE)


This research aimed to construct the 20-liter plastic water bottle cleaner. The researcher found that the main problem of drinking water industry was about the cleaning process of drinking water bottles especially a 20-liter plastic water bottle. The neck of the bottle is the most difficult part to clean by usual methods. Moreover, cleaning by a scrubbing brush results in scratches inside where germs can accumulate. Thus, the researcher aimed at constructing a plastic bottle cleaner particularly 20-liter size container. When comparing the cleanliness before and after cleaning, the reliability of cleaned bottles must be at least 95%. The developed 20-liter plastic water bottle cleaner had to pass the validation criteria evaluated by the engineering experts at the minimum criteria of 3.50 or good quality. The researcher conducted the study on both theoretical part and the experimental part with the results as follows. The quality evaluation of the 20-liter plastic water bottle cleaner was conducted by 9 engineering experts in 3 aspects, ie, structure, function, and product quality. The results of the evaluation showed that the 20-liter plastic water bottle cleaner reached high quality in overall and on each aspect. One expert was asked to check the cleanliness of the cleaned plastic drinking water bottle with the result that after cleaning the value of dirt was at the average of 10 mg/L which was much less than that before cleaning. It can be concluded that the constructed 20-liter plastic water bottle cleaner can be used to clean the 20-liter plastic drinking water bottle with 95% reliability.


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How to Cite

Sriyot M, Khongsuk S. The Construction of 20-liter Plastic Water Bottle Cleaner. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2022 Dec. 6 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];2(2):67-78. available from:



Research Article