Development of Teaching Approach "Think, Investigate, Act, Present" for Learning Management of the Professional Skill Projecr Course


  • Tanitpong Suparchart
  • Narin Srithikan


teaching style, learning efficiency, learning management


The objectives of this research were 1) to develop learning management in the "think-investigate-act-present" model; 2) to find the efficiency of learning management in the "think-investigate-act-present" 3) to study learners' learning achievements from teaching and learning management. With teaching style "think-investigate-act-present" The samples. used were Bachelor of Technology students 50 students in the automotive technology branch of the Institute of Vocational Education: Northern Region 1.. The research tools were 1) the "think-investigate-act-present model; 2) the teaching model quality assessment form. "think-investigate-act-present" 3) Efficiency assessment form of teaching style "think-investigate-act-present" 4) Learning Achievement Evaluation Form of teaching style "think-investigate-act-present" using statistics in this research is Determination of percentage, mean, standard deviation. The results showed that management of teaching and learning with a model "think-investigate-act-present" Make learners have the skills to generate ideas, retrieving information implementation and the presentation of the project results in a systematic way by 1) the quality of experts on the teaching style "think-investigate-act-present" was at a very good level with the mean X = 0.67 and the standard deviation S.D = 0.46. "think-investigate-act-present" was 82.64/81.53, which was higher than the specified efficiency, which was higher than the specified efficiency of 80 / 80 3) and learning achievement during the study was higher than before by 43.51%.


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How to Cite

Suparchart T, Srithikan N. Development of Teaching Approach "Think, Investigate, Act, Present" for Learning Management of the Professional Skill Projecr Course. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2023 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(1):115-24. available from:



Research Article