The Development Guidelines for Research and Innovation Administration of Chaiya Industrial and Community Education College
administration, research and Innovation, vocational innovationAbstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the present management condition of a vocational research and innovation center of Chaiya Vocational College, 2) compare the management conditions of vocational research and innovation center of Chaiya Vocational College based on opinions of college personnel classified by levels of education, work experience, and positions, and 3) compile suggestions and proposed guidelines for the management of a vocational research and innovation center of Chaiya Vocational College. The target group included 65 staffs who were school administrators and teachers of Chaiya Vocational College. The research tool was a questionnaire with the confidence value of 0.952 and analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, and one-way determination of variance. The results showed that the present management condition of the vocational research and innovation center of Chaiya Vocational College was overall at a high level. The comparison of the management of the vocational research and innovation center of Chalya Vocational College on each aspect showed no statistical difference. The key informants proposed the management guidelines as follows. The management structure should be in the form of management committee on research, innovation, and invention of the college. They acted as a committee who directed the policy and management. The policies, missions, strategies, and project plans needed to be clearly defined for implementation and practice. They must be in line with the national policy in promoting and supporting teacher development. The budget for the research, innovation, and invention should be continually supported by outside organizations in order to expand and develop into commercial and industrial areas.
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