Assessment of the Project for Enhancing the Economic and Social Level of Each Sub-district (U2T) Using CIPP Model : A Case Study of Songkhla Community College
assessment, context, input, process, productAbstract
The objective of this research was to assess the project for enhancing the economic and social level of each sub-district (U2T) of Songkhla Community College. The CIPP Model was used to assess 4 parts of the project, i.e., context, input, process, and product. The target group of this research consisted of 270 participants derived by purposive sampling technique. They were administrators, teachers, and persons who were responsible for the project, contractors who worked for this project in communities, and people living in the service area. The research instrument was a questionnaire form of 22 items with the IOC value of 1.00 and the reliability of 0.964. Descriptive statistics for the data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The results of the study showed that the project for enhancing the economic and social level of each sub-district (U2T) of Songkhla Community College was overall at a high level ( = 4.00). When considering on each aspect, it was found that every aspect was at a high level. The highest aspect was process (
= 4.09) followed by product (
= 3.99), context (
= 3.99), and input (
= 3.88) respectively.
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