Reasons for student dropout at Satun Technical College, Institute of Vocational Education Southern Region 3


  • Vichian Boontieaw
  • Totsawin Boonthuenthab
  • Piyapong Sungwal
  • Sathaporn Kinchakawatn
  • Thanakon Nutsutham


dropout, student behavior, educational institutes and surrounding area, family conditions


The objectives of this study were to: 1) investigate the reasons for student dropout at Satun Technical College in the academic year 2022 and 2) find guidelines to solve the problem and reduce the student dropout rate at Satun Technical College in the academic year 2022. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics including means, percentages, and standard deviations. The research tools were questionnaires and interviews. The participants consisted of 25 teachers, counselors, and parents answering the questions about the dropout reasons. The study was conducted at Satun Technical College during May 2022 to March 2023. The results showed that: 1) the dropout reasons of students at Satun Technical College in the academic year 2022 were in 3 areas. The first one was student behavior (mean = 2.49, SD = 0.107) or 37%. This included frequently absent from school, bored with studying (mean = 3.57) followed by problems with vices or drugs (mean = 3.31) and physical disable (mean = 1.12). The second reason was family conditions (mean = 2.43, SD = 0.10) or 35%. This included family economic problems (mean = 3.77) followed by family with a difficult situation (mean = 2.61) and being spoiled or neglected (mean = 1.12). The third reason was on the educational institutes and the surrounding area (mean =1.94, SD = 0.092) or 28%. This included many distractions making the students not attend the class (mean = 4.23) followed by strict regulations (mean = 3.72) and insufficient facilities (mean =1.46). 2) The proposed guidelines for solving problems and reducing the dropout rate of students at Satun Technical College are as follows: prepare learning plans with various formats that are consistent with the problems of the students and organize teaching and learning activities that respond to the interests of a variety of students. Guidelines for family conditions include providing scholarships, providing knowledge, publicizing Student Loan Fund, conducting income-earning projects while studying, and home visiting and individual counseling program. Guidelines for educational institutes and environments included creating a network of cooperation with various agencies and organizing interesting teaching programs to meet the needs of students.


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How to Cite

Boontieaw V, Boonthuenthab T, Sungwal P, Kinchakawatn S, Nutsutham T. Reasons for student dropout at Satun Technical College, Institute of Vocational Education Southern Region 3. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];3(2):109-18. available from:



Research Article