The guideline for the production and development of high performance vocational manpower to support modern industry in the Special development zone of Southern boarder Province


  • ราตรีสวัสดิ์ ธนานันท์ Director of the Office of Administration, Office of Vocational Education Commission


The guideline of the producation and development of vocational manpower, High performance vocational manpower, The Special development zone of Southern boarder Province


The purposes of this research were to develop the guideline for the production and development of high-performance vocational manpower to support modern industry in the Special development zone of Southern boarder Province. This research is mixed methods research. The samples for quantitative research who were obtained by stratified sampling consisted of 211 persons manely 46 school administrators and 165 teachers. The key informant for qualitative research who were obtained by Purposive Sampling consisted of the chief executives in the Office of the Vocational Education Commission, school administrators, teachers, workplace representative and the experts. Data collection was done by note form, a questionnaire an interview and connoisseurship. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The research findings were as follows:1.The guideline of the production and development of high-performance vocational manpower to support modern industry in the Special development zone of Southern boarder Province consisted of final goal, 5 items of guidelines, 5 goals, 10 guideline, 26 indicators and 13 result-based project. The appropriateness, the possibility and the utility were at the highest levels. 2.The evaluation of the implementation of the guideline was found that all activities could pass Baseline criteria with all indicators. Informants’ satisfaction were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

ธนานันท์ ร. The guideline for the production and development of high performance vocational manpower to support modern industry in the Special development zone of Southern boarder Province. KRIS Journal [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 21 [cited 2024 Dec. 24];4(2):17-28. Available from:



Research Article