Development of Automotive Wheel Bearing Grease Equipment
grease, grease equipment, automotive wheel bearingsAbstract
The objectives of this study were to: (1) design and develop an automotive wheel bearing lubricating grease equipment, (2) study the optimal pressure and the lubrication time of the automotive wheel bearing lubrication equipment, (3) compare the manual lubrication time and that of the automotive wheel bearing lubrication equipment, and (4) study users' satisfaction towards the automotive wheel bearing lubricating grease equipment. The samples included 10 experts consisting of 5 automotive technology teachers and 5 automotive operation personnel. The research tool was users' satisfaction questionnaires ana- lyzed by mean and standard deviation. The results are as follows. 1) The wheel bearing lubrication equipment can be effectively used to lubricate automotive wheel bearings. 2) The optimal pressure for lubricating grease was 5 bar with the optimal lubrication time of 30.40 seconds. The comparison of the operation time between the manual lubrication and the lubricating grease equipment showed that the lubricating grease equipment could lubricate grease much faster than that of the manual one. 4) Finally, the experts reported their satisfaction towards the lubrication equipment at a very high level.
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