i-Smart Farm Development of the Smart Farm Management System of I-Smart Farm
smart farm management system, I-Smart Farm, IOT Farm management systemAbstract
The objectives of this research were to: 1) create and develop the smart farm management system of i-Smart Farm, 2) find out the quality of the smart farm management system of I-Smart Farm, and 3) study the users' satisfaction of the i-Smart Farm management system. The population and sample group included the following groups. 1) The target group for studying the quality level of the I-Smart Farm management system consisted of 5 academics or experts or knowledgeable people in the field of information technology or computer skills. 2) The population and sample group for investigating the users' satisfaction of the i-Smart Farm management system included 25 teachers in the field of Work Occupation or Agriculture in educational institutions under the Yala Educational Service Area Office, Area 1, Muang District, Yala Province derived by purposive sampling technique. The research tools consisted of: 1) a quality assessment form and 2) a satisfaction questionnaire. Data were analyzed using average and standard deviation. The results of the research revealed as follows. 1) The results of the creation and development of the i-Smart Farm management system showed that all 5 systems could effectively control and display the work results which can be operated via mobile applications and can be effectively applied in the actual farm work. 2) The evaluating results of the components of the I-Smart Farm management system by the experts was overall at the high level (= 4.35, S.D. 0.53). Finally, 3) the results of the users' satisfaction of the I-Smart Farm management system was overall at a high level (
= 4.47, S.D. = 0.14).
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