Development of Plant-based Milk Products from Bambara Groundnut Powder by Foam-mat Drying Technique with Hot Air Drying


  • Deela Thoh
  • Suryanee Baraheng
  • Prakaikaew Suppaaksorn
  • Salisa Srisuk
  • Nathanan Chumkaew


Bambara groundnut, cereal milk, Foam-mat technique


The objectives of this research were to: 1) find the optimal amount of foaming of egg albumin powder foaming agent in the production of Bambara groundnut milk powder by 3 levels of foam-mat drying technique, i.e., 2%, 4%, and 6% by weight of the total ingredient content and 2) study the drying temperature with a hot air incubator suitable for drying Bambara groundnut milk powder at 3 temperature levels, i.e., 60, 70, and 80 degrees Celsius. The powder is then analyzed for physical quality, i.e., yield percentage, density, color, moisture, and solubility index. The results showed that: 1) the initial amount of the egg albumin powder foaming agent at 6% of the total weight was the sum of the highest foam concentration equal to 0.39±0.01 and 45.19±0.23 respectively reaching the statistical concentration (ps 0.05). The nutritional value of the foam is 68.91±3.44. 2) The drying temperature using the hot air oven at the lowest moisture content was 3.21%. The highest yield percentage was 54.71 % ±1.40. The brightness color value (L*), red value (a*), and yellow value (b*) were 78.82±0.06, 28.17 ±0.02, and 45.01±0.37 respectively. The water solubility index of the bean milk powder had the highest value, equal to 61.09±0.52, which was significantly different from other conditions (ps0.05). The yellow value (b") of both samples showed that the three conditions were not significantly different at 95% confident level while the higher temperatures resulted in the increase in brightness (L*) and redness (a*).


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How to Cite

Thoh D, Baraheng S, Suppaaksorn P, Srisuk S, Chumkaew N. Development of Plant-based Milk Products from Bambara Groundnut Powder by Foam-mat Drying Technique with Hot Air Drying. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2024 Jun. 15 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(1):111-8. available from:



Research Article