Types and Quantity of Binders that Affect the Quality of Fish Ball


  • janphen chainui Pattani Fisheries and Agriculture Technology College
  • Nur-asikin Masaesa-I Pattani Fisheries and Agriculture Technology College
  • Fareeda Hawae Pattani Fisheries and Agriculture Technology College
  • Parina Balae Chai Charoen Marine Institute (2002) Co., Ltd.


fish ball, binder, soy protein, xanthan gum


The objective of this research was to study the effects of types and quantity of binders on the quality of fish balls. The experiments were divided into 5 sets,. i.e.,  basic formula (control set), 0.1 percent soy protein, 0.2 percent soy protein, 0.1 percent xanthan gum, and 0.2 percent xanthan gum, respectively. The physical quality, color value, gel strength, water holding capacity, and water loss were analyzed. The sensory qualities were also tested, including color, odor, taste, elasticity, and overall liking, which reported by 10 trained panelists. The results showed that the fish ball products with soy protein added as a binder had better quality than the ones with xanthan gum. The addition of 0.2 percent soy protein had the best effect on the quality of the fish balls, with a slight effect on the color value, gel strength value of 903.83, water holding capacity of 30.95, and water loss of 5.71, when compared to the experimental sets with xanthan gum and the control set. The results of the sensory study showed that the experimental set with 0.2 percent soy protein added received sensory acceptance scores in all characteristics, namely color, odor, taste, elasticity, and overall liking with the average scores of 7.10, 7.20, 8.40, 8.20, and 8.60, respectively.


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How to Cite

chainui janphen, Masaesa-I N- asikin, Hawae F, Balae P. Types and Quantity of Binders that Affect the Quality of Fish Ball. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2024 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(2):107-15. available from: https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KRIS/article/view/4102



Research Article