Development of a Smart Plug Controlled via a Smartphone Application Using Blynk


  • Sarawut Nasit Songkhla Vocational Collage
  • Suwimon Suwanrassamee Songkhla Vocational College
  • Siriporn Pulkerd Songkhla Vocational College
  • Janjira Wanglee Songkhla Vocational College
  • Nuchjairin Khammee Songkhla Vocational College


power strip set, Internet of Things, electrical control system


The purposes of the study on the development of a smart plug controlled via a smartphone application namely Blynk were to: 1) develop an on-off function in a smart plug controlled by a smartphone application namely Blynk  and 2) study the satisfaction of users towards the smart plug controlled by a smartphone application namely Blynk. The research tools included an electrical plug, an efficiency test for the smart plug controlled by a smartphone application namely Blynk, and Likert scale questionnaires for users to report their satisfaction towards the developed smart plug. The research statistics included percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the study showed that the developed smart plug controlled by a smartphone application namely Blynk can be used to control the on-off function of all 4 sockets effectively with the overall effectiveness at a high level (equation=4.24, S.D.=0.48). When considering on each aspect, the results are as follows. In terms of design, it is suitable for actual use with the users’satisfaction at a high level (equation=4.00, S.D.=0.71). The suitability of the device size was also high (equation=4.20, S.D. =0.84), the practicality and the convenience of the implementation were very high (equation=4.60, S.D. =0.55). The safety in using the device was at a high level (equation=4.40, S.D. =0.55), and capability for an actual use was also high (equation=4.00, S.D.=1.00). Finally, the users reported their satisfaction towards the smart plug at a high level in overall.


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How to Cite

Nasit S, Suwanrassamee S, Pulkerd S, Wanglee J, Khammee N. Development of a Smart Plug Controlled via a Smartphone Application Using Blynk. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2024 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(2):95-106. available from:



Research Article