Factors affecting the Efficiency of the Electronic RMS System of Songkhla Vocational College


  • nattakarn Srisuwan Songkhla Vocational College
  • Kamonmas Hmadhman Songkhla Vocational College
  • Pornpimon Settawong Songkhla Vocational College


relationship between factors, work operational efficiency, electronic RMS system


This research aimed to: 1) study the level of work operational efficiency, 2) study the factors affecting work operational efficiency, and 3) study the relationship between factors affecting the efficiency of using the electronic RMS system of Songkhla Vocational College. The target group of the research was 120 operators using the electronic RMS system of Songkhla Vocational College derived by purposive sampling technique. The research instrument was a questionnaire analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The research results revealed that 1. the work operational efficiency using the electronic RMS system of Songkhla Vocational College in all 4 aspects was ranked at a high level as follows: work quantity, work quality, cost, and time respectively. 2. The factors affecting the work operational efficiency using the electronic RMS system of Songkhla Vocational College were at a high level including the aspects on the effort in working and support from the organization and the departments. 3. The relationship between the factors of the level of effort in working and the cost had a relationship in the same direction at the level of .073, which was statistically significant at 0.05. The factors on quality of work, quantity of work and time were not related to the work operational efficiency due to the fact that the work performed was beneficial to the organization according to the set standards with a clear work period. The relationship between the factors on the support from the organization or departments and the cost had a positive relationship to the work operational efficiency while the quantity and time had a negative relationship to the work operational efficiency. Finally, the quality of work had no relationship with the work operational efficiency.


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How to Cite

Srisuwan nattakarn, Hmadhman K, Settawong P. Factors affecting the Efficiency of the Electronic RMS System of Songkhla Vocational College. KRIS Journal [internet]. 2024 Dec. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];4(2):83-94. available from: https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/KRIS/article/view/4199



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