Journal of Arts and Thai Studies (ARTS) is a scholarly journal dedicated to presenting research and knowledge in language, literature, culture, tradition, history, art, and society related to Thai studies. This mission aligns with the journal’s primary goal of preserving and perpetuating the Thai identity, which forms the nation's roots, ensuring its sustainable continuation. Additionally, the journal aims to foster a deeper understanding and knowledge of Thailand due to its rich history, spanning several centuries, and its unique culture and traditions, which make it a subject worthy of in-depth study.

More importantly, Thailand's geographical significance in Southeast Asia underscores its central role and influence in the region's political, economic, and socio-cultural aspects. This strategic location has resulted in increased interest in Thai studies both domestically and internationally. Understanding Thailand not only provides insights into its distinct history and culture but also enhances opportunities for economic development and investment. It strengthens international relations at both regional and global levels and prepares for the changes brought by rapid technological advancements.

In light of this, the journal aims to provide a platform for scholars from Thailand and abroad to exchange knowledge, ideas, experiences, and research on various aspects of Thailand. The journal operates without any submission fees at all stages, promoting open access to academic contributions. All submitted articles undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process by three experts in the relevant fields, ensuring the publication of accurate and high-quality Thai studies research for the public.

Aims and Scope

ARTS is a scholarly journal that adheres to a rigorous double-blind peer-review process. It is an online, open-access journal published every four months and overseen by the Faculty of Arts at Silpakorn University. The journal is committed to publishing original, high-quality research articles, academic articles, and book reviews in the following fields:

           • Language and Literature: Linguistics, Language and Communication, Local Dialects, and various aspects of Language and Literature, all of which are integrated with or related to Thai Studies.
          • Society and Culture: 
History, Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Cultural Studies, and Religion, exploring various dimensions related to or aligned with Thai Studies.
          • Fine Arts: 
Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Music, and Art History, emphasizing creative expression and its historical and cultural significance, with a focus on Thai Studies and their rich traditions and heritage.
          • Other Topics Related to Thai Studies: 
Geography, Information Science, Politics, Economics, Education, Folklore, and more.

Peer Review Process All submitted articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Expert reviewers assess submissions for quality and scholarly integrity. The journal employs an instant quality assessment mechanism to expedite evaluations, with reviewers drawn from diverse institutions to ensure unbiased and comprehensive evaluations. The full details of the peer review process can be found here.

Types of Published Articles

          1. Research Articles: Present original findings from studies within the journal's aims and scope. Authors are encouraged to offer new insights and contribute fresh perspectives to the field. Articles should not exceed 8,000 - 10,000 words (excluding references) and must provide a thorough and detailed examination of the research topic.

          2. Academic Articles: Explore and comprehensively synthesize relevant literature in the journal's aims and scope. Articles should highlight key outcomes and provide insightful analysis of emerging trends and future directions, with a maximum length of 8,000 - 10,000 words (excluding references).

          3. Book Reviews: Provide recommendations or critical assessments of notable books in the journal's fields. Reviews should include the book’s title, an overview, and highlights, with a maximum length of 1,500 - 2,000 words. 

Publication Frequency
ARTS publishes three issues per year:

  • Issue 1: January-April
  • Issue 2: May-August
  • Issue 3: September-December

Each issue includes 10-15 articles and one book review article.


ARTS accepts manuscripts in both Thai and English, focusing on subjects within its scope and adhering to academic writing standards. Refer to Author Guideline for Articles in Thai and Author Guideline for Articles in English for further details.

Publication Fee

ARTS does not impose any fees or charges for the submission, review, or publication of articles, ensuring that authors can share their research and findings without any financial burden.

Open Access Policy

ARTS operates under an open-access model, allowing readers worldwide to freely access and engage with the research published. By eliminating barriers to information, it fosters the exchange of research, collaboration, and learning, while promoting the dissemination of scholarly work in the fields of language and literature, society and culture, and the arts, with a particular focus on Thai studies.

Ownership and Management

ARTS is owned and managed by the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University. It is funded by the Research Fund Innovation and Creativity of Silpakorn University and is committed to academic excellence and efficiency. The journal’s mission is to promote and disseminate research in language and literature, society and culture, fine arts, and other topics related to Thai studies.


  • Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University
  • Address: Sanam Chandra Palace Campus, 6 Rajamankha Nai Rd., Amphoe Muang, Nakhon Pathom 73000, Thailand
  • Telephone: +66 034 109 686 ext. 205001
  • Email:

Copyright and Licensing

ARTS emphasizes copyright protection and licensing to ensure authors’ rights and proper research dissemination. Authors retain copyright and articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, allowing sharing and modification with proper attribution. Authors may distribute their work under the CC BY license and post articles on third-party repositories, adhering to institutional and funding guidelines.

Revenue Sources

ARTS is supported by the Faculty of Arts at Silpakorn University through the Research Fund Innovation and Creativity, highlighting its commitment to fostering academic innovation.

Advertising and Direct Marketing

ARTS adheres to a strict policy of avoiding any form of advertising or marketing, ensuring that its primary focus remains on the publication of high-quality scholarly content. This dedication helps safeguard the journal’s academic integrity, fostering an environment where research and findings take precedence over commercial concerns, and offering a neutral platform for intellectual dialogue and collaboration among researchers.

Journal History

ARTS, formerly known as Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University (Print ISSN 0857-2038, Electronic ISSN 26729709), is an academic journal dedicated to publishing research and knowledge in the fields of arts, humanities, and social sciences. The journal's first issue was published in 1975 under the supervision of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University, Thailand. However, it ceased operations in 1976 due to political unrest. In 1977, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Silpakorn University resumed publication, continuing to fulfil its original objectives. With consistent operation and a commitment to quality, the journal was recognized as a Tier 1 journal by the Thai-Journal Citation Index (TCI) Centre in 2015. 
After 43 years of publishing under its original name, the journal was rebranded in 2022 as Journal of Arts and Thai Studies. This name change was intended to better reflect its mission of providing a platform for research and academic work related to Thai studies in language, literature, culture, tradition, history, art, and society. The journal aims to promote deeper learning and understanding of Thailand, as well as preserve and adapt its cultural heritage of Thai to the evolving global landscape.

Privacy Statement

Names and email addresses provided to the journal are used exclusively for its stated purposes and will not be shared.