The Incorporation of Moral Values through Buddhist Wise Reflection into a High-School English Course to Promote Morals and Reading Comprehension Skills
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This article studied the effect of incorporating moral values through Buddhist Wise Reflection (BWR) into an English course with the objective to promote Thai high-school students’ eight fundamental moral characteristics (EFMC) and reading comprehension skills (RCS). The sample group comprised 30 students who were selected through a cluster random sampling method. They participated in a four-month semester course covering 40 periods (two periods for 100 minutes per week) in the first semester of the 2019 academic year. BWR’s 10 ways of thinking were used as a framework for questioning techniques. Regarding the reading passages, 5 were from a coursebook and 5 were selected by the students. The passages highlighted on the 8 moral principles required by the Ministry of Education and were used both in class and as online self-study material. The qualitative data were gathered from the students’ continuous self-progress reports, classroom observation, semi-structured interviews, and students’ follow-up feedback. This set of information was presented through descriptive narration. Quantitative data was obtained from a pretest and posttest, and a continuous self-assessment which was presented through statistical principles. The study found several pleasant results and some weak points. The study recommends applying this innovative teaching to other relevant situations to reduce moral decline among the young generation. Teaching other desirable moral principles which can apply to other skills in other subjects are also recommended.
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