Conjunctive Water Management: Ways Forward to Sustainable Water Management in Response to Sustainable Development Goals
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Objectives: This article aims to investigate the role of conjunctive water management (CWM) in response to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address water challenges in the contemporary world.
Methods: This study analyzed secondary data related to CWM practices worldwide and their contribution to SDGs to elicit key problems in the CWM application and the key challenges of CWM to achieve the SDGs.
Results: CWM plays a key role in ensuring water security worldwide. However, key problems with the CWM application exist. This article shows the significance of the CWM approach, the challenges of nesting to single resource management, the roles of CWM in contributing to SDGs, and the ways forward for CWM to ensure water security toward SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation).
Application of this study: The findings will be useful for policymakers, practitioners, and multi-stakeholders in water management to apply the CWM guidelines to cope with water insecurity under anthropogenic and climate pressures. Furthermore, governments can develop the CWM framework and scale up collaborative actions for transboundary CWM to respond to SDGs.
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