Agricultural Development Through the Photos from Robert Larimore Pendleton in Sawankhalok District, Sukhothai Province, Thailand
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Objectives: This research aims to study photographs from Robert Larimore Pendleton in the Sawankhalok district, Sukhothai province, during the period 1935–1953. The objective is to explore the agricultural development and agricultural practices of Sawankhalok that reflected the policies and roles of American scholars in Thailand during the post-World War II era.
Methods: The study employs an anthropological study of photography through the analysis of 80 selected photographs from Robert Larimore Pendleton in the Sawankhalok district, Sukhothai province, between 1935 and 1953. These images are categorized into three types: 8 images related to agriculture, 8 images related to the cotton experimentation center in Khlong Tan district; and 7 images related to the town of Sawankhalok. The research combines document analysis and fieldwork studies in the Sawankhalok district to analyze the agricultural development and the role of American scholars in Sawankhalok during the study period.
Results: The photographs from Robert Pendleton reflect the agricultural development and practices, particularly the cultivation of cotton, which is an integral part of the local history of Sawankhalok. The images shed light on the disappearing history of the region and depict the role of American scholars and foreign policies of the United States, particularly on the agricultural development of Thailand.
Application of this study: The findings of this study can contribute to the conservation and revitalization of the significant local history of Sawankhalok. Moreover, it can elevate the historical capital of the region to promote tourism and establish the area as a learning city for the local community.
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