Justice in Social Structure, Humans, and Diversities From Karl Marx’s Perception
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Objectives: This research article is part of a research project which studies the possibility of human coexistence in a multicultural society by using Karl Marx’s critique of class conflict to demonstrate the process that impedes the coexistence of diversity, and to assert that human conditions are diverse.
Methods: Textual analysis method was used to analyze Karl Marx’s critique on social injustice in human relations in order to propose that conditions impeding multicultural societies can be discussed.
Results: Class conflict leads to social oppression resulting in an unjust power structure which obliterates social values such as diversity, equality, and social justice. For this reason, Marx’s critique not only provides a basic understanding of human relations in a socio-economic conflict, but also leads to an ideal community in which people are equal and respect each other.
Application of this study: The results of this study present a possibility to analyse the root of problems arising from unjust social relations which impede human coexistence. It may bring us to the answer of how to create a society that respects diversity and treats one another fairly.
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