“Hermaphrodite” in Buddhist Scriptures
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Objectives: This research article studies the meanings and types of hermaphrodites. It also examines which terms referring to people with sexual diversity mentioned in the Vinaya Pitaka and its commentaries follow the modern definition of hermaphrodites. This is a clarification of sexual diversity in Buddhism, especially the types of hermaphrodites.
Methods: This research article analyses and synthesizes the meanings and descriptions of people with sexual diversity mentioned in the primary and secondary Buddhist scriptures with the meaning of hermaphrodites in the medical and social sense. The main scriptures for this study are Vinaya Pitaka in Pali and Thai-translated versions. The case studies are people with sexual diversity found in the Buddha’s time.
Results: There are two senses of meaning given to hermaphrodites in the present time: the physical sense and the social or cultural sense. At least three terms in Buddhism refer to hermaphrodites in the physical sense. “Ubhatobayañjanaka” refers to a person born with ambiguous genitalia. “Napuṅsakapaṇḍaka” refers to a person born with defective genitalia unable to identify sex, and “Opakkamiyapaṇḍaka” refers to a person born with a normal sexual organ, but deliberately alters it later. There are two types of ubhatobayañjanaka. The first type, Itthīupatobayañjanaka (a female-based intersexual person), is equivalent to a true hermaphrodite in the medical sense. The second type, Purisaupatobayañjanaka (a male-based intersexual person), is compatible with some forms of male pseudo-hermaphrodite in medical terms. Men revert into women and transgender persons with same-sex attraction are not considered hermaphrodites. In Buddhist scriptures and medical terminology, hermaphrodites specifically imply some people in the physical sense. However, confused perceptions of people with sexual diversity construct hermaphrodites in the social sense.
Application of this study: Clarifying terms referring to hermaphrodites in Buddhism will help Buddhists determine the criteria for the ordination of hermaphrodites. It also reveals Buddhist attitudes toward hermaphrodites and the punishments for monks who have sexual relationships with hermaphrodites.
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