Discourse Analysis: Regarding the Issue of President Xi Jinping’s China-Taiwan Reunification
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Objectives: This article aims to study the strategies for meaning construction in China’s diplomatic discourse towards Taiwan, and to examine the ideology that affects the construction of diplomatic discourse in the rhetoric of President Xi Jinping from 2013 to 2023.
Methods: The study employed the concept of critical discourse analysis with the application of Norman Fairclough’s dimensions of discourse.
Results: The study reveals that President Xi Jinping utilized two language strategies: 1) vocabulary strategies, such as naming and word choice; and 2) pragmatic strategies, including the use of bases, denials, commitments, declarations, stories, claims, intertextuality, metaphors, and rhetoric. Regarding the ideologies affecting the discourse construction, the discourse of the Chinese leader reflects four ideologies: 1) reproducing Chineseness and sinicization, 2) unification, 3) polarization, and 4) conditional violence.
Application of this study: This study serves as a case study on the application of discourse analysis in examining discourse construction strategies and also reveals the ideologies embedded within the discourse.
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