Ideology in the Visions of Northeast High School
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This article aims to study the ideology in the visions of Northeast high schools. The samples were collected from the visions of Northeast high schools, using a specific selection method of 68 schools, one school per vision, for a total of 68 visions, using critical discourse analysis. The results of the study discovered strategies for choosing the vocabulary, which revealed a series of ideas that convey the five ideologies in the vision, are 1) academic excellence, 2) standardization, 3) being a desirable student of society, 4) sufficiency, and 5) Thainess. This ideology directs teachers to follow the policy of student development, and students to follow the policy of personal development, in order to meet the characteristics of society and the nation. Social and cultural practices that affect the production of texts include social progress, science, and technology, the changing trend of the world in the 21st century, the introduction of the sufficiency economy philosophy to national development, and the problem of moral, ethical, and Thainess values.
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