The Policy on the Development of Science and Technology in the Thai Armed Forces by Sending Military Personnel to Study Abroad between 1932 - 1941
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Objectives: This research aimed to examine the policies of the Thai military following the Revolution of 1932, with a focus on initiatives to enhance scientific and technological knowledge and skills within the armed forces. The study emphasizes the military's strategy of sending personnel abroad for advanced education during the interwar period, between World War I and World War II. It seeked to illustrate how the Thai military's policies responded to evolving military strategies that increasingly relied on advancements in science and technology.
Methods: The research used a historical research methodology to analyse data, emphasizing the importance of utilizing primary sources from the National Archives of Thailand for studying the government policies, rather than focusing on individual cases. The research is presented through an analytical descriptive.
Results: After the Revolution of 1932, the government of Khana Ratsadorn (People’s Party) prioritized the development of science and technology within the armed forces resulting from the significant role that technology had played during World War I. As a result, the armed forces quickly focused on improving their scientific and technological knowledge. The army established the Department of Science and the Military Technical Academy. The navy focused on advancing sciences related to meteorology, hydrography, and naval combat forces. The air force, on the other hand, emphasized building its capabilities by commissioning a large number of aircraft, which required highly skilled pilots and mechanics. However, at that time, the armed forces lacked personnel with expertise in science and technology. As a result, they had to send many individuals abroad to study in these specialized fields.
Application of this study: This research studies military history after the Revolution of 1932, which can be applied to the topics of scientific history and military history.
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