An Analysis of Digital Learning Resources in German for A1–B1 levels

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Anna Kuebel


Objectives: This research aims to analyze and compare two digital learning resources in German for A1–B1 levels: Deutsche Welle and Goethe-Institut.

Methods: The data used in this research are digital learning resources in German for A1–B1 levels. The data were analyzed and compared using the following criteria: 1) the use of grammar, vocabulary, and expressions 2) expected language skills, 3) presentation and elements of content, and 4) German language teaching theories.

Results: The results can be described in four aspects: 1) the use of grammar, vocabulary, and expressions in digital learning resources from Deutsche Welle is presented more clearly than those from the Goethe-Institut; 2) resources from the Goethe-Institut offer a wider range of language skills compared to Deutsche Welle; 3) Deutsche Welle provides more variety in presentation and content than the Goethe-Institut; and 4) both employ a communicative approach (Der kommunikative Ansatz) as the main teaching theory, while the audio-visual method (Die audiovisuelle Methode, AVM) was found only in resources from Deutsche Welle.

Application of this study:  The results of this research provide information for German language learners to help them select learning resources that match their learning objectives and support their self-development.


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How to Cite
Kuebel, A. (2024). An Analysis of Digital Learning Resources in German for A1–B1 levels. Journal of Arts and Thai Studies, 46(2), E3420 (1–12).
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