Rural Teachers: Meaning from Mainstream Development Discourse on Teachers' Self-Stigma in Rural Areas
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Objectives: The term "rural teacher" emerges as a product of mainstream development discourse, leading to self-stigmatization among rural educators. This mainstream development discourse, driven by the goal of modernization, generates discursive practices that marginalize teachers working in rural areas, causing them to perceive themselves as socially alienated and embodying "otherness." This research aimed to explore the meaning of "rural teacher" through the lens of self-stigmatization among teachers in rural communities, as a consequence of mainstream development discourse.
Methods: This qualitative research is aligned with a critical paradigm through Michel Foucault's concepts of power, knowledge and discursive practice. This study employed the critical ethnography method to reflect the reality that emerges within the given phenomena. Researchers selected data providers by using purposive sampling criteria, recruiting a total of 10 teachers who had experienced self-stigma as rural teachers and performed teaching duties in rural schools. Data were collected through in-depth interviews using semi-structured interview guides. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and verified using triangulation techniques.
Results: The research found that "rural teachers" attributed self-stigma to five characteristics, namely 1. teachers residing far from developed urban areas, 2. teachers being heavily involved in community work beyond school work duties, 3. teachers being hesitant to think outside the box with regard to the curriculum framework, 4. teachers lacking modern media and technology, and 5. teachers facing student learning readiness issues. These characteristics arise from the production of mainstream development discourse, which emphasizes modernization, globalization and centralization, leading to the self-stigma of teachers who perform teaching duties in rural schools.
Application of this study: These research findings may lead to a review and consideration of guidelines for policy-making by the agencies responsible for the development of teaching professions across all areas. This is aimed at reducing disparities in teaching practices among teachers.
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