The Creation of Identity Color Palettes Using Natural Dyes for the Product Development of the Roi Rak Weaving Community, Pathum Rat District, Roi Et Province
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Background and Objectives: Communities in the Roi Et province possess unique identities; however, these identities have yet to be clearly articulated to foster recognition or to add value to community brands and products. This research aimed to develop identity color palettes and evaluate the identity color palettes of the Roi Rak community in Pathum Rat district, Roi Et, derived from natural dyeing processes.
Methods: This research is a qualitative study. Data collection employed purposive sampling to select participants, focusing on members of community enterprises, including community enterprise leaders, committee members, elderly network representatives, and local wisdom keepers, to ensure the relevance and diversity of the data. The methods included in-depth interviews with the community enterprise leader and 16 committee members, as well as focus group discussions with 7 members. Data were analyzed using content analysis, categorizing key terms to identify themes, which were subsequently used to create an evaluation framework for assessing the suitability of identity color palettes. Experts were selected based on the following criteria: over 10 years of experience in handwoven textiles for fashion, expertise in designing colors and patterns for handwoven fabrics, proficiency in transforming handwoven fabrics into fashion products, and familiarity with direct experience of working in the Hong Hae community, Pathum Rat district, Roi Et.
Results: The research categorized identity color palettes into 4 thematic groups: 1) culture and tradition, 2) signifaicant locations, 3) social capital, and 4) natural resources capital. From these themes, three color palettes were developed for each, resulting in a total of 12 palettes. The palette that received the highest suitability evaluation from experts was "Thung Kula Ronghai," under the theme of signifaicant locations, with a mean score of (X̅=4.47, S.D.=0.71. This palette consisted of off white from raw cotton, yellow from myrobalan, brown from padauk, and green from my robalan mixed with indigo. Expert feedback suggested adding a sky blue shade to enhance the palette’s appeal, especially for handwoven fabrics targeting younger, working-age audiences. In addition to "Thung Kula Ronghai," 11 other palettes were created, reflecting various dimensions of the community's identity. While these did not achieve the highest evaluation score, all exhibited high average scores and potential for development into naturally dyed handwoven fabrics. These fabrics not only contribute to environmental conservation but also show beauty and embody cultural heritage and the community's way of life. Furthermore, they offer opportunities to enhance product value and generate sustainable income for the community.
Application of this study: The established color groups reflect the community's identity across various dimensions, offering the potential for application in the production of naturally dyed hand-woven fabrics. This approach not only contributes to environmental conservation but also enhances the value of the products, thereby fostering sustainable income generation for the community.
Conclusions: The Roi Rak community enterprises, located in Pathum Rat District, Roi Et Province, reflects the deep connection between the community's way of life and its social and cultural capital. A study identified 4 key themes that encapsulate the community's feelings, thoughts, and way of life: 1) culture and tradition, 2) significants locations, 3) social capital, and 4) natural resources. These themes serve as the foundation for creating color groups that represent the community's unique identity. Among these, the Thung Kula Ronghai color palettes, representing important places with emotional value, scored the highest in community preference. In addition to Thung Kula Ronghai, 11 other distinct color palettes were developed, each reflecting different dimensions of the community's essence. These color palettes collectively embody the rich heritage, traditions, and identity of the Roi Rak community enterprises.
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Wongmuek, K. (2024a). Figure 1 Research Process.
Wongmuek, K. (2024b). Figure 2 Natural Dye From Natural Materials.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024c). Figure 3 Bun Phawed.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024d). Figure 4 Bun Kaosak.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024e). Figure 5 Bun Kaojee.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024f). Figure 6 Honghae Canal.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024g). Figure 7 Thung Kula Ronghai.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024h). Figure 8 Honghae Shrine of Ancestors.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024i). Figure 9 Rice Harvesting.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024j). Figure 10 Wisdom of Weaing.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024k). Figure 11 Religious Faith.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024l). Figure 12 Sabaeng Tree.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024m). Figure 13 Neem Tree.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024n). Figure 14 Phayom Tree.
Wongmuek, K., & Sarasuk, K., P. (2024o). Figure 15 Colors Representing the ‘Thung Kula Ronghai’, Adjusted as Recommended.