Exploring Research Trends in Thai Learners Studying Korean via Topic Modeling and Keyword Network Analysis
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Background and Objectives: The Korean language education in Thailand has increasingly spread. Research on Thai learners studying Korean has also been continually conducted. The number of students majoring in Korean at the undergraduate level and subsequently pursuing graduate studies in Korean, Korean literature, and Korean culture has also increased, leading to the dissemination of master’s and doctoral theses. This study aims to study the trends and current situation of research on Korean language teaching and learning for Thai learners using Topic Modeling and Keyword Network Analysis. By doing so, the study aims to present important information and suggest guidelines in developing Korean language teaching and learning in Thailand.
Methods: This study examined 283 research papers and theses on Korean language education for Thai learners published between 1998 and September 2024. The dataset includes 149 theses, 93 KCI-indexed articles, and 41 TCI-indexed articles. The data were collected using the keywords relating to Korean language education for Thai learners from RISS (Research Information Sharing Service) and Thai Journals Online. Then Topic Modeling and Keyword Network Analysis was used to analyze topics and research patterns.
Results: The Topic Modeling Analysis revealed that the research topics about curriculum and textbook development have consistently been of interest until now. In addition, the topics about language skills, including pronunciation, grammar, and pragmatics have been raised as research issues in various aspects. Especially, after 2020, there has been an increase in publishing the research papers on teacher training and learner-related factors such as anxiety and learning strategies. The Keyword Network Analysis showed the words "comparison," "use," "pattern," and "process" were used in many research topics.
Application of this study: The continuing interest in curriculum and textbook development from the above study results highlights the need for diverse educational information tailored to the characteristics of Thai learners. Additionally, the growing focus on individual learner factors reflects the necessity of addressing learners' challenges and creating learning environments and effective teaching methods. In addition, the results of the Keyword Network Analysis suggest the necessity of conducting more cross-cultural studies that align with the special characteristics of Thai learners and applying these findings in educational settings.
Conclusions: This study examined trends in Korean language education research for Thai learners, highlighting the importance of adapting to Thailand’s changing educational landscape. As Korean language education progresses in secondary and higher education, continued research and practical applications are essential. The rising interest among Thai students emphasizes the need for tailored instructional materials, innovative strategies, and learner-centered approaches. Integrating digital learning and addressing specific linguistic challenges will enhance the learning experience. Bridging theoretical research with classroom practice can ensure that Korean language education remains effective and responsive to the diverse needs of Thai learners better.
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