Establishing the Bao Dai Government: France's Strategy for Legitimacy and the Linking of the Situation in Indochina to the Cold War

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Pichayapan Chuangprayoon


This article attempts to demonstrate that the rise of Vietnamese political conflicts after the Second World War, which were generally explained within the context of the Cold War, were actually precipitated by more specific internal factors. Furthermore, these internal factors in fact helped create certain conditions pertaining to the involvement of the Cold War. For this study, the establishment of the State of Vietnam during the middle of 1949 is selected as a case study to pinpoint the importance of internal context and factors upon historical events that were normally viewed from the perspective of external forces. The result of the study showed that the first Indochina War between Viet Minh's government, led by Ho Chi Minh, and France actually happened by an internal factor which was the conflict between Nationalism & the fight for independence of Vietnamese and the maintaining of status of French imperialism. France restored imperial institution by establishing Bao Dai Government, expected to be a political strategy for justifying the right of colonial restoration actions. In addition, France expected Bao Dai Government to be a foreign affair strategy in order to align with anti-communist cult of USA during the Cold War happening at that moment. Therefore, we may conclude that the 1st Indochina War, happened by the internal factor, also had an influence and condition ultimately creating a relation to Cold War which was the external factor.


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Chuangprayoon, P. . . (2022). Establishing the Bao Dai Government: France’s Strategy for Legitimacy and the Linking of the Situation in Indochina to the Cold War. Journal of Arts and Thai Studies, 44(2), 193–204. retrieved from
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