Conceptualizing the Measuring Scale for Social Media Involvement

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Jaruporn Tangpattanakit


The purpose of this study is to develop a measuring scale for social media involvement in multiple dimensions by developing existing concept of involvement knowledge in order to establish an operational concept and concept regarding the context of consumer’s social media involvement. The measuring scale for social media involvement comprises 32 items which were developed to indicate the frequency of consumer participation in social media. This measuring scale was developed from a multidimensional perspective, comprising behavioral, affective, and cognitive components which are appropriate for the assessment of social media involvement. Research methodology includes a survey study to confirm the second item in order to assess the validity and the reliability of the measuring scale. This research employed a sample size of 640 participants. The research results identified that all three components were highly relevant when it comes to explaining social media involvement. Additionally, the scale was tested in the context of before-purchase behaviour and was proved to be accurate and reliable. This measuring scale of social media involvement can be used as a basis for further scientific studies and in other relevant fields.


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Tangpattanakit , J. . (2022). Conceptualizing the Measuring Scale for Social Media Involvement. Journal of Arts and Thai Studies, 44(2), 166–178. retrieved from
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