A Study of Ayurvedic Origin and Development in Sanskrit Literature
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This article aimed twofold: Firstly, to study type of context of Ayurveda in Sanskrit literatures, secondly to study the history of how Ayurvedic medicine had developed and passed on until the present time from the Sanskrit literatures. The scope of this study was the ancient medicine called Ayurveda manifested only in the Sanskrit literatures named Rgvedasamhita, Atharvaveda, Carakasaṃhitā, and Garuḍa Purāṇa. The study is conducted by documentary research methodology. The results of this study are presented by analytical description method which are systematically analysed and synthesized. The study found that Ayurveda is a medical science encompressing ailments, causes, symptoms, medicines, and systematic treatments, including guildlines to prevent diseases by adjusting to a healthy lifestyles, diet and nutrition. Furthermore, in the Sanskrit literatures, it also illustrated the developmemt of Ayurveda that the ancient medicine originated in Vedic period. Ayurveda had continously evolved from Atharva- veda to Garuḍa Purāṇa. Throughout the evolution, many medical scriptures in India were continuously passed on and evolved from the Ayurveda.
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