A New Perspective for Developing Education in the 21st Century: From Creative Educational Philosophy and Theory to Creative Curriculum, Creative Instruction and Creative Learners


  • Khongsak Sangkhamanon Asst.Prof.Dr Faculty of Education ,Curriculum and Instruction, Nakhonratchasima College


          The purposes of this academic article are to present a New Perspective for Developing Education in the 21st Century: From Creative Educational Philosophy and Theory to Creative Curriculum, Creative Instruction and Creative Learners and to inspire some readers to create some creativity for upgrading learners’ learning quality by means of research-based procedures. To cope with the topic which is rather big and wide, the author has presented most perspectives and related researches conducted in brief. The contemporarily creative educational philosophies, theories, curricula and instruction development models, by John Dewey, Lord Buddha, Ralph Tyler and others, have been mentioned with highly accepted in their values. Moreover, the new perspective namely KS-Creative Educational Philosophy (KS-Creativism), KS-Creative Curriculum Development Model and KS-Creative Instruction Model has been presented briefly. The guidelines for applying or implementing those ideas, however, have been emphasized through showing some pictures which should be worth more than a thousand words, that is to help learners become creative ones by the end of each creative curriculum and creative instruction.


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How to Cite

Sangkhamanon, K. (2022). A New Perspective for Developing Education in the 21st Century: From Creative Educational Philosophy and Theory to Creative Curriculum, Creative Instruction and Creative Learners. วารสารศึกษาศาสตร์ วิทยาลัยนครราชสีมา, 1(2), 1. สืบค้น จาก https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edunmcj/article/view/1333