Guidelines for Online Education for Ghana’s Next Normal
การศึกษาออนไลน์, กาน่า, วิถีชีวิตถัดไปบทคัดย่อ
In light of the abrupt disruptions resulting from the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, which devastated many lives, social and economic activities, transportation, employment opportunities, family relationships, and education in general, this article explores the guidelines to address online education in Ghana The education sector encountered numerous difficulties during the epidemic, such as poor internet connection, sporadic network outages during remote learning, and departmental overcrowding for Zoom time slots. This public higher education institution managed to finish the 2019–2020 academic year reasonably well in spite of these difficulties. Among other things, it is very crucial to investigate some of the activities that went on during and after the pandemic and how the Ghanaian government supported them to reduce the pain in the educational sector, including the general public. The next paragraph will observe the conditions in the educational sector during and after the pandemic.
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