The Development of Prachinburi province guideline to excellence on the marginal of EEC
Development guidelines, Prachinburi province, economic and EECAbstract
This article has 2 objectives. Firstly, to study the economic development of Prachinburi Province and secondly, to study the guidelines for developing Prachinburi province into the excellence of the provinces in the Eastern region, amidst the industrial development trend of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) policy based found out that Prachinburi Province is one of the eastern region that has a long history from prehistoric era until the present. Moreover, it is a province that has a very high economic growth that the Gross Provincial Product at Current Market Price per capita from 2012-2019, which is ranked 4th in the country after Bangkok, Rayong and Chonburi provinces. Therefore, in order to developing Prachinburi province to excellence, it is necessary to follow the provincial development plan and adjust the province's strengths to be a green economy city and service industry. In order to be a green agricultural city and a tourist city to support the growth of the economic terrace in the eastern region forward.
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