Guidelines for Developing Local Tourism Using Communities Participation in Prachuap Khirikhan Province
Guidelines for Developing, Tourist, Communitiy Participation CommunitiesAbstract
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the involvement of the community in the development of local tourism in Prachuap Khirikhan province and 2) to propose the guidelines for the development of local tourism in province. The reseatch useld both quantitative and quantitative. The tool quantitative research was questionnaire collectied data from 396 people in Prachuap Khirikhan province. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The structured interview was used in the qualitative research to collect data from 9 key informants, tourism scholars and local tourism-related community leaders, which were chosen by purposive sampling with content analysis and describing. The findings revealed that: 1. The overall result of public participation in local tourism development in Prachuap Khiri Khan province was at a high level. When considering each aspect in descending order, it was found that the decision aspect was at the highest level followed by receiving benefits, operation and evaluation, respectively. 2. According to the guidelines for local tourism development through the participation of people in Prachuap Khirikhan province, it was found that these guidelines should be provided: 1) tourism routes connection, 2) marketing channels and public relations on social media and 3) association between government agencies and private sectors.
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