Culture of Healthcare Using Local Wisdom in Traditional Medicine of Thai Kui Ethnic Group in Banprasat Yoe, Prasat Yoe Sub – District, Praibung District, Sisaket Province
Culture of Healthcare, Local Wisdom, Traditional Medicine, Thai Kui Yoe Ethnic GroupAbstract
The research of “Culture of Healthcare Using Local Wisdom in Traditional Medicine of Thai Kui Ethnic Group in Banprasat Yoe, Prasat Yoe Sub – District, Praibung District, Sisaket Province” is a qualitative research to study the culture of health care by using local wisdom in Traditional medicine of Thai Kui ethnic groups in Banprasat Yoe, Prasat Yoe Sub – District, Praibung District, Sisaket Province. The researchers conducted the survey with a guideline of qualitative research approach in the field study with the participatory and non-participatory observation methods with the informal interviews and in-depth interviews. The researchers chose the area of study which is Banprasat Yoe, Prasat Yoe Sub – District , Praibung District, Sisaket Province. The informational group consists of the community leaders in number of 2 person, the monk local healers in number of 2 person and the peoples who live in the community in number of 10 person. The culture of health care using local wisdom in folk medicine of Thai Kui ethnic groups. Ban prasat Yoe, Prasat Yoe Sub – District, Praibung District, Sisaket Province has been inherited for a long time from the ancestors until present. The culture and wisdom of the Yer ethnic group was forged from generation to generation. In subject of food, there are the varieties of seasonal natural ingredients. The food menu that is considered as "food is medicine". There are natural and seasonal vegetables as basic components for cooking. There are also the plants that are herbs which are used as ingredients in cooking, such as ginger, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves. These plants have properties in terms of providing nutrients and also helping to maintain health. In case of meats, there would be the fish that can be found in the natural local water sources. The way of culture that center of the minds of the Yer ethnic group is to pay respect to their ancestors and having a city doctor to take care of the people in the community. Yer peoples believed that the illness was an act of spirits and soul. Therefore, they must perform a ghost ritual and Saaeng dance. In order to, satisfy the phantoms. The ceremonies are called Pemor. Yer ethnic groups have the health remedies using folk medicine methods to treat by using herbal medicine to maintain health.
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