Developing the Ability to Memorize Chinese Characters Vocabulary by Using Flash Cards
Chinese language learning, flash card, Instructional Media, MemorizeAbstract
This research is to develop the ability to memorize Chinese characters’vocabulary by using flash cards. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of using flash cards in Chinese learning on developing the Ability to Memorize Chinese Characters Vocabulary. The sample group is 22 second-year students who enrolled in Chinese 2 course in the first semester of the academic year 2020 of Rajamangala University of Technology Isan Surin Campus. Research tools consisted of 1) 2 lesson plans; 2) 20 flash cards; 3) the pre-test and post-test were spent 3 weeks of study. The statistics used in this research were mean, standard deviation and t-test for dependent style. The research finding of Chinese character vocabulary by using flash cards, when, comparing the scores before and after learning illustrates that, the 20 marks for the pre-test average score without using flashcards was 9.91 while the post-test average score when using pictures in flash cards was 19.41. It had a significantly different scores at a level of .05. The result showed that using flash cards obviously improved the effectiveness of Chinese characters' memorization, by increasing the average marks 47.50% over before learning.
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