The Pottery Industry and the Socio-economic Changes of Thai Phuan Ban Chiang community, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province During 1972–2020
Pottery, Thai Phuan Ban Chiang community, Industry, Udon ThaniAbstract
This article aims to study examined the socio-economic changes of the Thai Phuan Ban Chiang community, Nong Han District, Udon Thani Province as a result of the expansion of the pottery manufacturing industry between 1972 and 2020. From the study, it was found that before 1972, the economic and social changes had not changed much. The economic characteristics were also subsistence, where farming was the main occupation and pottery was produced as an additional occupation after the farming season. Until 1972 - 2012, they began to have economic changes within the community due to the establishment of a vocational school, the community was raised as a sanitation district in Ban Chiang Nai Subdistrict in 1986 , and was raised as Ban Chiang Municipality in 1999, respectively. As a result of the establishment of the US military base in Udon Thani Province, the government's role in the development of Ban Chiang Archaeological Site, The travelling to Udon Thani of King Rama IX, the government policy of the 1995-1996 Banharn Silpa-archa government that promotes local commerce, and the presence of entrepreneurs. As a result, the pottery activity expanded, but it still did not have much of an impact on society. Social characteristics were also a system of kinship attached to custom. Until after 2012 to 2020, a group of scholars and researchers were involved in changing the form of pottery and receiving support from organizations both within and outside the community. From the original that was used to be used as a decorative utensil, resulting in more widespread awareness. There was the development of a unique pattern "Lila Lai" in 2019. At the same time, the presence of foreign capitalists and businessmen to invest in pottery trade and production has also contributed to the change in manufacturing activities. From the industrial production in the household to an industry that has a management system in the form of commercial enterprises, community enterprises and creative industrial villages, which has changed the economic and social conditions of the community. From the way of life that used to be free in pottery production, it had to be bound by the capitalist system and working according to the factory system. Capitalists have come to play a role in the production of pottery, forcing some villagers who used to produce pottery to turn to other professions. Some people switched to workers instead. In addition, the economic condition of the community is growing more. We will also encounter social problems as a result.
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