Boxing Cultural Tourism Supply Chain Management for Bankham Community, Tambon Bankham, Amphoe Nampong, Changwat Khon Kaen
Tourism supply chain management, Cultural Tourism, Muay Thai CultureAbstract
The research of Boxing Cultural Tourism Supply Chain Management for Bankham Community, Tambon Bankham, Amphoe Nampong, Changwat Khon Kaen. Which had the objectives to; 1) to study the opinions on factors that affect the decision making about the boxing cultural tourism in Ban Kham community. 2) to study the situation of the boxing cultural tourism supply chain in Ban Kham community. This research is a mixed methods research by using the questionnaires to collect the data from 400 tourists which divided into 200 tourists who had Muay Thai experience and 200 tourists who had no Muay Thai experiences. For the qualitative research, using in-depth interviews to question the organizations related to boxing cultural tourism. The results of this research found out that 1) the tourists who had Muay Thai experience give an average on the importance for tourism product factors that was the first priority, followed by the marketing promotion factors, distribution factor and price factor while the tourists who had no Muay Thai experiences giving average importance price factor that was the first priority, followed by the tourism products factor, distribution factor and marketing promotion factors, respectively. 2) Ban Kham community area is ready to organize the tourism activities in all 5 aspects (5A's) including the attraction aspect, access to tourist attractions aspect, amenities aspect, tourism activities aspect and accommodation aspect. It also has a strong tourism supply chain network. From the research results, both issues can be used as basic information to organize tourism activities to be consistent with behavior both tourist group supply chain and to set guideline to manage boxing cultural tourism in Ban Kham community to be more efficient in tourism.
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