A Pragmatic Study of Politeness Strategies of Facebook Page Admins of Thai Commercial Banks


  • Ponchanok Saenthaweesuk Seedabut Thai Language for Communication Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University


Politeness Strategies, Pragmatics, Commercial Bank


This research aims to study the politeness replying strategies to customer’s idea from the admins of Thai commercial Banks’s Facebook page, by pragmatics. Data were collected from seven Facebook pages of six commercial banks in Thailand. The results based on the Politeness Strategy of Brown and Levinson show that politeness strategies of the Facebook page admins were divided into three aspects as 1) notice, 2) request and 3) rejection. The most politeness strategies used were praise and apology. Factors affecting to choose the politeness strategies’ choice of admin were social distance and power between the admins and the bank customers in business relationships.


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How to Cite

Saenthaweesuk Seedabut, P. . (2022). A Pragmatic Study of Politeness Strategies of Facebook Page Admins of Thai Commercial Banks. Journal of Human and Society, Sisaket Rajabhat University, 5(2), 227–245. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jhuso/article/view/1169