Development of Physical, Sporting, Recreational, and Occupational Activities for Elders in Ban Tiw sub-district, Lom Kao district, Phetchabun Province


  • Sroungporn Kusolsong Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, PhetchabunRajabhat University
  • Wichayaporn Onpuy Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, PhetchabunRajabhat University
  • Pitchayapa Treewong Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, PhetchabunRajabhat University


Sports, Recreations, Occupations, Elders within Community


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the context of the elders living in Ban Tiw sub-district, Lom Kao district, Phetchabun Province; 2) to develop and implement a form of sporting, recreational, and occupational activities for the elders living in the community; 3) investigate the satisfaction towards the form of sporting, recreational, and occupational activities for the elders living in the community; and 4) encourage students to apply their knowledge to engage with the communal activities. The participants were 105 elders living in Ban Tiw sub-district. The data were analyzed using means and standard deviation. The findings were as follows : 1) The findings from the study of the context of the elders living in Ban Tiw sub-district, Lom Kao district, Phetchabun Province were as follows. Regarding occupation,the elders took up the occupations of farmers, babysitters, and sellers of goods, respectively. Concerning income, the elders earned revenues from old-age pensions; relatives; and selling of goods. Regarding livelihood, the elders lived with their close relatives. Regarding community products, the product was pearl-patterned cloths. Concerning the needs, the elders wanted to be involved in newer and more activities. 2) The findings from the development and implementation of the activities showed that the students could design the activities by integrating knowledge across three disciplines of Early Childhood Education, Physical Education, and Career and Technology Education and exhibited good leadership and followership while participating in and running the whole process of the activity. 3) The findings from the investigation of the elders’ satisfactionafter participating in the activities were as follows. The elders showed the highest level of satisfaction towards the sporting, recreational, and occupational activities at (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.68, S.D.= 0.18, making of flowers at (gif.latex?\bar{x}= 4.75, S.D.= 0.17), making of pearl-patterned cloth bags at (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.79, S.D.= 0.17), and making of pearl-patterned cloth key rings at (gif.latex?\bar{x}=4.82,S.D.=0.13). 4) The students could apply their knowledge to engage with the communal activities by successfully co-planning, co-designing, and co-running the activities.


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How to Cite

Kusolsong , S. ., Onpuy, W. ., & Treewong, P. . (2022). Development of Physical, Sporting, Recreational, and Occupational Activities for Elders in Ban Tiw sub-district, Lom Kao district, Phetchabun Province. Journal of Human and Society, Sisaket Rajabhat University, 6(1), 61–84. retrieved from