An Analysis on Grammatical Errors of Comparative Sentences Using the Preposition “bi” of Chinese Program Students in Mueang District, Phetchabun Province
Error Analysis, Grammar, Comparative Sentence, Preposition “bi”Abstract
The purposes of this research were to analyze grammatical errors in sentences using the comparative sentence “bi (比)” in Chinese and to analyze the causes of the errors. In addition the guidelines for teaching the comparative sentence grammar “比” were suggested. The population was 45 Chinese program students, studying in Grade 12 of Wittayanukulnaree School and Phetpittayakom School. The research instruments used for the data collection consisted of translation tests and interview. The data was computed into frequencies and percentages. The research findings reveal that the participants produced 282 errors as a total. The errors in the structure “A 比 B + 还 + adjective” appeared as the most frequent found (26.24%) whereas the least occurrence was the errors made in the “A 比 B + adjective” structure (7.09%). In terms of error types, 36.87% of them concerned with inappropriate use of words and synonyms while 8.51% related to verbosity and other components. Moreover, the findings indicate 3 major causes that contributed to the errors namely the participants’ self, mother-tongue interference, and negative language transfer. The results can, additionally, advocate a group of instructors to start the class with simple structures and main elements of sentences; teaching complicated sentence structures and giving sample sentences as to compare with the native language should be then performed. The instructors should also observe their learner during the class. Ultimately, the data suggest the instructors to design practices properly regarding their target learners as well as to support and set scenarios, which allow the learners to exercise the knowledge they gain.
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