Lan Xang in Nan: Some Observations on Lan Xang People in Nan State around 18th-19th century
Nan, Lan Xang people, Observation, 18th-19th centuryAbstract
The culture illustration of Lan Xang that appeared in Nan normally neglect the probabilities of history of Nan in 18th-19thcentury, which Nan has restore the newly status as the state. This article intended to observes the appearance of Lan Xang people in history of Nan and look for the evidence of probabilities of Lan Xang culture that appear in that period. From the study found out that Nan at that time had a relation of people with Vientiane. And found some evidences that reflect to Lan Xang culture in literature part as well. However, even though there were evidences that appearance, the existence and continuity, but those people were not the majority enough to influenced the mainstream culture in Nan.
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